How would it feel to be full of energy instead of having to think about your health every day? What if you could find better health by changing the foods you eat?

What if you discovered truths about food that made you want to change the way you eat?

Chronic disease is sabotaging our health, destroying our quality of life, shortening our lifespan, bankrupting our governments, and threatening the health of future generations.

Worldwide, chronic diseases are escalating out of control. The World Health Organisation’s statistics (2016) show that 1.9 BILLION adults were overweight and of these, over 650 MILLION were obese.

Obesity is preventable.

The Global Report on Diabetes (2016) calculated that over 422 MILLION adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared with 108 million in 1980.

Type 2 Diabetes is preventable.

Millions of our children are stricken with obesity, diabetes, autism and other distressing health conditions in epidemic numbers. The WHO statistics for 2016 report that 41 MILLION children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese and that over 340 MILLION children and adolescents (aged 5 – 19) were overweight or obese.

Our EXISTING healthcare system is not sustainable. We are bankrupting our healthcare budgets by spending £££ TRILLIONS on healthcare – but we’re still getting sicker and our life expectancies are getting lower.

THE CRISIS IN HEALTHCARE will not be solved by money, but by RIGHT NUTRITION with high quality, nutrient-dense food – for ALL.  The future of healthcare is about EDUCATION andPREVENTION.

Chronic diseases can be reversed with food and lifestyle changes.


once upon a cook food wisdom better living

Our HEALTH starts on our PLATE with the FOOD we eat.

1000s LIKE YOU are WAKING UP to our broken FARMING, FOOD and HEALTHCARE systems and want RELIABLE food and health information.

Our food is much, much more than a ‘filler’ for our body – it’s information. Whole ingredients carry life and health-giving information that tells our cells how and when to work. The ultra-processed, chemically damaged, pseudo-substances that we’ve all come to call ‘food’ carry misinformation – which our body can’t recognise and which make us sick.

TRADITIONAL FOODS kept our ANCESTORS healthy and free from chronic and degenerative diseases and they WILL do the same for us.

Once Upon a Cook – Food Wisdom, Better Living


“I would like to thank Izabella Natrins for writing this book. It summarises all of the most important issues about food in our modern world, starting from the health of the soil, farming practises to food processing and cooking. There is nothing more powerful in its effect on human health than the food we eat.. This book gives the reader valuable knowledge on how to make their food their medicine!”

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride

Author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome, Put Your Heart in Your Mouth & Vegetarianism Explained

“A terribly useful book that gives a clear summary/analysis of all the contemporary food dilemmas.”

Joanna Blythman

UK investigative food journalist & commentator

Author of Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets &

Winner of the Food Writers Guild Award 2018


“Once Upon a Cook is full of important wisdom for all those engaged in the sacred work of preparing food.”

Sally Fallon Morrell

President of the Weston A. Price Foundation

Author of Nourishing Traditions

Who needs to read Once Upon a Cook?

    • All parents

    • All grandparents

    • Anyone struggling with health issues

    • Anyone worried about what’s in our food

    • Anyone worried about how our food is produced

    • Anyone worried about how our animals are farmed

    • Anyone worried about how our fruit and vegetables are grown

    • Anyone worried about our environment

    • Anyone worried about our broken food, farming and health systems

    • Anyone worried about what to do about it all

  • Your body needs YOU to read Once Upon a Cook!

Within its pages, you’ll discover evidence-based*, traditional food wisdom, forgotten culinary skills and nutritious recipes that show us why our Grannies were so smart…

  • Why it all begins in the SOIL, not the kitchen!

  • Why NOURISHING DEEPLY is critical for energy, vitality & health

  • How to tell a GOOD EGG from a bad one and why we need eggs

  • Why those old BONES are good medicine and make delicious broths, stocks & soups

  • Why GRASS-FED MEAT is a treat but grain-fed isn’t… and why OFFAL isn’t awful

  • Why we should SEAFOOD and eat more of it!

  • Why ORGANIC VEGETABLES are good medicine

  • How MILK, DAIRY and SATURATED FATS became demonised & why they need to be on the table

  • Why CULTURED & FERMENTED FOODS have gravitas

  • What REAL BREAD is and why we need it back on our table

  • Why we must stop fearing SALT & SUGAR and why HERBS & SPICES are the physician’s friend and a cook’s pride

  • Where do we go from here? We go BACK TO THE FUTURE…

  • PLUS tips, techniques and completely delicious recipes that will delight, nourish and heal!!

*Everything you’ll read is thoroughly researched, fully referenced and linked to sources via my website.

The pages of this book will take you back – to the future of food and health.

About my Mum…

My mum left me a legacy. I wish she was still here and every day I thank her for my love and respect for food. Her wisdom was my inspiration and it’s in her honour, that I want to inspire you to reclaim your kitchen, get creative with fabulous, nutritious, affordable ingredients and cook REAL food, from scratch!

My hope for you is that what you read here will inspire to want to learn more. I hope it will equip you to ask questions, to make demands and to get your just rewards- towards a healthier, more energetic and better life. Above all, I want you to HAVE FUN and delight yourself, your family and your friends.


Femergy @ 40 Nutrition & Lifestyle Health Coaching

 You want to feel better, but you’re simply overwhelmed. Your body keeps whispering “slow down girl”, but you keep on going and going… 

 You have niggling health issues: you’re sleeping badly, have no energy, tired all the time; or have unexplained aches and pains; or a permanently fuzzy head and difficulty in concentrating. Your body’s urging you: “Please, listen“…

 You’ve been struggling with health issues: an intestinal or digestive disorder or an autoimmune condition; or the misery of hormonal dysfunction, infertility, or a thyroid problem; or pre or T2diabetes, distressing weight-gain or obesity. Your body’s crying out: “Help me, now!”

This 30 minutes could absolutely change your life.

© 2019 Izabella Natrins. All rights reserved.